
How to become a journalist - storytelling

STUDENT - 3.1 journalist@venture - fast
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 12.4 MB

Series of Videos on story telling:


1) Open the presentation read through it and stop at slide 4?

    Open the Video and describe the 7 points of good journalistic story telling.


2) Continue to slide 5: Chose 3 stories and describe them. Why are the stories powerful?


3) Continue to slide 6: How to do a good interview?

    Sumarize the key points to do a good interview.


4) How to create a good video or podcast?

    Describe short how to do a good video or podcast.


TEACHER_ 3. Journalist@venture_Fast Trac
Microsoft Word Dokument 5.3 MB

Groups of 4HKD

Group 1: Lenz & Achmed: Enerty Unit 1

Group 2: Carlo & Max: Energy Unit 2

Group 3: Victoria & Lara & Tamara: Energy Unit 3

Group 4: Melissa und Lena: Science Unit 1

Group 5: Alie & Natalie: Science Unit 2

Field & Sharing

STUDENT - 4. & 5. field&sharing@venture
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 7.7 MB
TEACHER_ 4.5. Field&Sharing@venture_fast
Microsoft Word Dokument 8.5 MB

Science Track

STUDENT - science@venture - fast track.p
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 11.7 MB
TEACHER science@venture - fast track.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 8.3 MB


Exp. 1_ What has a black shirt to do wit
Microsoft Word Dokument 1.4 MB
Exp. 2_ What can a towel contribute to t
Microsoft Word Dokument 3.4 MB
Exp. 3_ Dress an ice-cube warmly!_.docx
Microsoft Word Dokument 998.6 KB
Exp. 4_ How can you get around in a clim
Microsoft Word Dokument 11.8 MB
Exp. 5_ Which diet is climate-friendly_.
Microsoft Word Dokument 1.0 MB
Exp. 6_ How does your _shopping_ or cons
Microsoft Word Dokument 1'000.5 KB
Worksheet Unit 1 Science Venture Prepara
Microsoft Word Dokument 17.8 KB
Worksheet Unit 2 Background Instructions
Microsoft Word Dokument 21.2 KB

Energy Track

STUDENT - energy@venture - fast-track.pp
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 12.7 MB
TEACHER - energy@venture - fast
Microsoft Word Dokument 6.4 MB


Topic Language Medium Recommended target group  Length Release date Title & Links
Global warming, wildfires, greenhouse gases De/Eng Movie 11th - 12th grade 1 h 2018 Wilder than Wild: Fire, Forests, and the Future
Effects of climate change on all living beings De/Eng Movie 11th - 12th grade 50 min each 2019 Our Planet
Was ist Treibhauseffekt? Deutsch Clips 6. Klasse 2 min N/S
Treibhausgase & Treibhauseffekt Deutsch Clips 6. Klasse 6 min 2020
Albedo-Effekt - Erklärung am Beispiel der Arktis Deutsch Clips 8. Klasse 3 min 2020
What is the greenhouse effect? English Clips 8th - 9th grade 2,5 min 2020
The Basics of Climate Change English Clips 8th grade 1,5 min 2014
Albedo-Effekt - Explanation English Clips 8th grade 6 min 2015
Too much carbon-dioxid makes plants struggeling! English Clips 10-12 grade 2 min. 2021 (30) Plants Are Struggling to Keep Up with Rising Carbon Dioxide Concentrations - YouTube
Treibhausgase und deren Problem Deutsch Artikel 7. Klasse 3 min 2021
Bedeutung von Treibhauseffekt Deutsch Artikel 8. Klasse 2 min 2021
Treibhauseffekt und Klimaschutz Deutsch Artikel 11. - 12. Klasse 10 min 2013
Bedeutung von Albedo Effekt Deutsch Artikel   9. Klasse 3 min 2021
Greenhouse-Effect English Article 11th - 12th grade 9 min N/S
Albedo Effect: roles in climate and astronomy English Article 11th grade 6 min 2019
Albedo Effect: everything you need to know English Article 10th - 12th grade 7 min 2022

Beispiele von nachhaltigen Projekten

AA: Gestaltet einen Beitrag (Story Telling) über ein nachhaltiges Projekt in Eurer Umgebung. Beachten die Lerninhalte des letzten Kapitels.